
Our ED Spoke #Internatonal_disabilities_Day2023he said let’s Commemoration the resilience and strength of families &caregivers of persons with disabilities,recognizing their unwavering support and dedication

@16DaysofActivism2023Our ED Spoke #Internatonal_disabilities_Day2023he said let’s Commemoration the resilience and strength of families &caregivers of persons with disabilities,recognizing their unwavering support and dedication@NYCDisabilities @DisabRightsFund @disabilities

Join Us as we raise our voices for change & stand in solidarity against all forms of #violences now we need your active involvement to end gender-based violence.

#Day11,#Kalkalhuman We are still in the #16DaysOfActivism2023,  #Join Us as we raise our voices for change & stand in solidarity against all forms of #violences now we need your active involvement to end gender-based violence. @AU_ECOSOCC @Glorialoria6 @GBVnet @globalnetworkdr

16DaysOfActivism AgainstGenderBasedViolence ends today on #HumanRightsDay2023 , but we must continue with all our might  & strength to #SpeakUp against violences done to women and children without tire!

#16DaysOfActivism AgainstGenderBasedViolence ends today on #HumanRightsDay2023 , but we must continue with all our might  & strength to #SpeakUp against violences done to women and children without tire! #16DaysofActivism2023

As we close #16DaysofActivism for 2023,& acknowledge #InternationalHumanRightsDay, Everyone deserves to be treated fair and appropriately – occupation, colour, religion and size should not matter at all !

#As we close #16DaysofActivism for 2023,& acknowledge #InternationalHumanRightsDay, Everyone deserves to be treated fair and appropriately – occupation, colour, religion and size should not matter at all ! #MaryLawlorhrds #UNSOM #hrw #HakiAfrica #GBVnet #UNHumanRights