Become Volunteer Name Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name Birth Day Sex Male Female Blood Group Address City State Country Nationality Postal Code E-mail Telephone (Res): Qualification Profession Has the candidate previously been the member of the KAHRDO Organization? Yes No Is the candidate a member of, or previously been a member of any other non-profit organization? Yes No Has the candidate been involved with any social activities in the past? Yes No Preferences of the candidate for the Kind of Work he/she would like to get involved with KAHRDO Organization Types of Membership Volunteer Membership (Fee $.120/-for one year) General Membership (Fee $.5,000/-for one year) Executive Membership (Fee $.10,000/- for one year) Any Donation / Contribution in Cash or Kind Passport/CNIC/Driver’s License/ Any Utility Bill for address proof No Criminal Record Certificate Two passport size photographs with signature on the back of second photo I, wish to become a member of Kalkal Human Rights Development Organization (KAHRDO), I understand that the process require my application to be approved by the board of members of KAHRDO Organization AND “I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the information along with the documents furnished here by me in the application form is true and correct. I have not concealed any information. However if any information furnished here In fraudulent, incorrect or untrue, I understand that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to forego my membership of KAHRDO. Further that the membership of KAHRDO is liable to be cancelled. AND I support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights dated 10th December 1948 and all other charters, covenants and protocols of the United Nation Organizations on Human Rights. I shall also abide by all the rule and regulation of the organization. I shall work for the recognition, ratification and implementation by Somalia of all the principals laid down in the above named documents. Place Date Signature of. The Candidate Signature of. The Candidate Witness Name Address Phone Cell Profession Signature Date The Witness Become a Volunteer