During today’s discussion concentrated on @Article 1, which serves as the foundation for @childrenrights.This @article emphasizes the fundamental rights that every child is entitled to, highlighting the critical importance of safeguarding their well-being and ensuring that these rights are upheld in all circumstance We at @Kalkalhuman are privileged to attend the final event on empowering local CSOs to hold the government and humanitarian actors accountable and prioritize child rights in Somalia.
, in partnership with
and supported by
, facilitated dialogues between civil society, government, and the humanitarian sector. The event featured ministerial-level guests from the ministries of Labor, Justice, Public Works, Humanitarian Affairs, Internal Security, and Women & Human Rights of Southwest State of Somalia. This initiative has empowered local organizations to influence policies and ensure that the rights of every Somali child are protected. #ChildRights #Accountability #Somalia #GREDO #UNSomalia #Sihanet